Erection in men is directly related to the state of his circulatory, endocrine and nervous systems. Isolated cases of deterioration of erectile function are not considered pathology. But if disruptions occur more often, it's time to take action. Although the male half does not always have the opportunity to buy medicine, there are still ways that will increase an erection at no cost.
Many men are reluctant to see a doctor and prefer to use natural methods to increase erections. Such methods have certain results and have a number of advantages:
- no side effects when used properly;
- improving the body as a whole;
- minimum costs.
However, before using them, you should undergo an examination and determine the cause of the problem.
Potency enhancing products
In the early stages of the disease, sometimes it is enough to reconsider your menu. Often the reason for low potency is the lack of vitamins, micro- and macronutrients that the male body needs.
The best products to improve your erection:
- Garlic - increases testosterone levels, speeds up blood circulation, stimulates the body's defenses.
- Natural pomegranate juice - increases testosterone production, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, cleanses the body.
- Spinach is considered a natural steroid, leading in the content of substances necessary for men's health.
- Oysters - improve libido, improve sperm quality.
- Lean meat - the substances contained in the product are involved in the synthesis of thyroxine, a hormone that increases libido.
You need to eat regularly, the last meal is 2 hours before bedtime.
Also, pasta, sausages, chips, fast food should be excluded from your menu.
Physiotherapy at home
A simple and effective method to enhance an erection is a contrast shower. The procedure is performed as follows:
- within a minute it is necessary to warm with warm water;
- then increase the water temperature for 30 seconds to the maximum allowable;
- replace hot water with cold for 20-30 seconds;
- alternate hot and cold water several times;
- complete the procedure with cold water.
Wipe with a towel and sit vigorously several times.
Folk remedies
Even before the development of formal medicine, men knew ways to increase potency. Beekeeping products are often present in folk recipes.
Apiary products (honey, bee bread, propolis) contain enzymes, vitamins, amino acids. These substances stimulate blood flow, relieve inflammation and increase testosterone production.
Recipes to improve erection:
- Mix salt and vodka in a ratio of 1: 3. Insist 3 weeks, drain. Take 1 teaspoon after meals.
- Mix bee bread with honey (1: 1 ratio). Consume 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach, dissolving under the tongue.
- Grind ginseng root to a powdery state. Stir ½ mass. tablespoons of the resulting powder with honey (250 g). Insist 3 weeks. Take one teaspoon before meals 3 times a day.
Using natural methods to improve potency, you should not expect immediate results. Before substances can become active, they must accumulate in the body.
To speed up the onset of the effect, review your lifestyle, daily routine and habits.